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Loudoun County Attorneys > Blog > False Claims Act / Whistleblower Litigation > Holding pattern: How the US is detaining seafarers

Holding pattern: How the US is detaining seafarers

Act for Prevention of Pollution from Ships (“APPS”) whistleblowers – Tradewinds, February 22, 2018)

Mariners who are Act for Prevention of Pollution from Ships (“APPS”) whistleblowers are being held in the U.S., often against their will, while waiting to give evidence in pollution trials.

It can be difficult for the crew and costly for shipowners – and some contend it may be illegal.

Steve Simms, who represents APPS whistleblowers, argues in this article that there is a better way, including, effective legal representation for APPS whistleblowers.

Access the full text of the article, at this link.

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