Category Archives: DUI Expungement

Can You Expunge DUI in Virginia?
Maybe. Three primary expungement avenues are available, as outlined below. Expungement is the criminal records equivalent of a delete key. wiping out all law enforcement, judicial, and other records related to a criminal conviction. Record sealing is like White-Out (if you’re under fifty and you don’t know what that is you can Google it)…. Read More »

Formal and Informal Expungement in DUI Cases
Future auto insurance rate increases make up most of the estimated $20,000 cost of a first-time DUI conviction. These individuals must purchase SR-22 high-risk insurance and maintain it for at least three years. These policies are about 70 percent higher than normal policies. When the mandatory SR-22 period expires, cheaper insurance may be unavailable,… Read More »

DUI Expungement Eligibility & Requirements in Virginia
DUI expungement is a legal action that allows a person to hide certain criminal records from public access in Virginia, such as dismissed charges for a felony or misdemeanor. This process does not destroy the criminal records completely. Rather, expungement in Virginia shields the criminal records from the public sphere, requiring a court order… Read More »