Category Archives: Estate Planning

ESTATE PLANNING 101: Wills vs. Trusts, What’s the Difference?
By: Gigi B. Lawless Most people are familiar with the term, “Will” (or, “Last Will and Testament”). Less people may be familiar with the concept of a “Trust.” And, fewer still, will be able to tell you the difference between the two. Both Wills and Trusts, however, are important estate planning documents. And, whether… Read More »

The Heart of the Estate Plan
By J. Vance Stallings, Esq. Of Counsel SimmsShowers Law It is often the case that estate planning attorneys and clients think of estate planning as a very practical exercise designed to pass along assets to the next generation, reduce taxes, avoid the probate process, and protect assets for creditors and litigants. And, of… Read More »
Estate Planning: Why Do I Need a Will?
By Elyse M. Smith, Esq. Everyone needs an estate plan. Certainly, not everyone needs the complicated tax sheltering vehicles some have, but everyone needs these basic estate planning documents: (1) a will; (2) a power of attorney; and (3) an advance medical directive (“living will”). Too often, people dismiss estate planning as something only… Read More »