Category Archives: Intellectual Property

Virginia Politician Accused of Trademark Infringement
The Republican National Committee (RNC) alleges that Spotsylvania County Supervisor Greg Cebula committed trademark infringement, according to an article by the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The Republican Party is commonly referred to as the “GOP,” which is short for “Grand Old Party.” The GOP logo generally features red, white and blue colors on an elephant and… Read More »
Firm Successfully Auctions Domain Name Through Rule B Action
In what may be the only case of its kind, Simms Showers successfully used a Rule B admiralty action to attach, and ultimately auction, a domain name. In Bunkers International Corporation v. Carreira Pitti, P.C. (United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case No. 11-cv-62753), the Court ordered the United States Marshals Service… Read More »