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Most Common Causes of Reckless Driving Charges

In Virginia reckless driving can be a criminal offense. Reckless driving is usually a misdemeanor charge, though felony reckless driving does exist. The Virginia traffic and criminal codes provide many different sections and kinds of violations that can lead to a reckless driving charge. Some of these behaviors are more common than others and police may be especially on the lookout for the most common reckless driving violations. This article looks at the most common types of reckless driving charged in Virginia. Keep these in mind as you are driving this summer so you do not get charged under any of these sections.

Most Common – More than 20 MPH

The most common kind of reckless driving charged is driving 20 miles or more over the speed limit. Other states do not have reckless driving in their criminal code like Virginia does, where you can face a misdemeanor charge for going 75 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone. Indeed, this is an especially common charge for out-of-town drivers passing through Virginia. Some people claim that the highway patrols in Virginia specifically target cars with out-of-state license plates. Remember that along with the prohibition on going 20 miles over the speed limit, it is also reckless driving under this section to drive above 80 miles per hour anywhere in Virginia no matter the speed limit.

General Reckless Driving

The second most common kind of reckless driving charge is “reckless driving generally”. This is a vague charge and can be applied to many different kinds of driving. This charge is commonly given out when the manner of someone’s driving endangers a person or property.

Other Kinds of Reckless Driving

Driving with faulty brakes is another common reckless driving charge. This kind of reckless driving is charged when the driver does not have control over the vehicle due to the condition of the brakes or other issues. Another common kind of reckless driving is not having a clear view of the road and traffic. Drivers are expected to be able to see out the windows of their cars so if there are items or other people blocking the view, the driver can be subject to a reckless driving charge under this section. It is also a violation of reckless driving laws to have more passengers in the car than there are seatbelts.

Finally, a few other common reckless driving charges are under the sections regarding driving too fast for the weather conditions, failing to stop for a school bus when the lights are on, overtaking a vehicle or pedestrian at a crossing, and driving in a parking lot in a way that could injure someone.

Reckless Driving Attorneys in Leesburg, Virginia

Whether you are charged with a common form of reckless driving or charged under one of the less frequently used provisions, a skilled reckless driving attorney can help you to defend your charge. Our experienced reckless driving attorneys at Simms Showers in Leesburg, Virginia, can help you get the best outcome from your reckless driving charge in Loudoun county, Manassas or Baltimore and minimize the penalties from it.

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