Tag Archives: Criminal Defense Fairfax County

Criminal Justice Reform in Virginia’s Near Future?
Hope may be on the way for Virginia citizens who have been charged with a non-traffic related crime and subsequently had their license revoked because of it, as reported by NBC29.com. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is proposing this and other criminal justice reforms during the 2017 General Assembly. There are currently 200,000 Virginians who… Read More »
Federal Gun Laws
There are both federal and state laws related to guns and gun owners are responsible for following all of them. There are pages and pages of gun laws, and if you have any specific questions you should contact a knowledgeable weapons offenses attorney. Who Can Buy Firearms The Federal Gun Control Act of 1968… Read More »
Criminal Statute of Limitations in Virginia
Statutes of limitations are the amount of time someone has to take legal action. In civil law, it is the amount of time that the plaintiff has to sue the defendant for damages. In criminal law, it is how long the prosecution has since the commission of the crime to prosecute. A skilled criminal… Read More »
Virginia Treats Heroin Overdoses as Homicides and Prosecutes Dealers
With an epidemic of heroin overdose deaths all around the country, Virginia is taking a novel approach to try to reduce the number of fatalities related to the drug. Investigators in Virginia have starting to treat heroin overdose deaths as homicides and have started to go after the drug dealers who have provided the… Read More »
Can I Get My Criminal Charge Expunged in Virginia?
A criminal charge on your record can have permanent effects. From the loss of a job to the inability to become a foster parent, the consequences are broad and wide reaching. Many people who get criminal charges in Virginia wonder if they can have their record expunged. Expungement means that the charge is essentially… Read More »
Virginia Larceny Basics
Larceny is the legal term for what is usually called theft. Virginia breaks its theft law up into two categories – petit larceny and grand larceny. Shoplifting is one of the most common forms of larceny. This article explains the basics of Virginia larceny law. Definition of Larceny Like most legal terms, the concept… Read More »
What To Do If You Are Arrested For A Drug Crime In Virginia
If you are arrested and charged with a drug crime in Virginia, it is important that you know your rights and how to protect them. Virginia has very tough drug crime laws and you do not want to do anything that will interfere with your defense later. This article discusses some of the things… Read More »
Virginia Drug Laws
Virginia is known for having harsh drug laws. In Virginia, as in many other states, drugs are divided into “schedules,” with the charges and penalties based on which schedule the drugs are in. This article gives a brief overview of Virginia’s drug laws including what schedule each drug is in, and what crimes you… Read More »
The Juvenile Justice Process in Virginia
Depending on the age of the person and the crime and circumstances, some offenses are referred to the juvenile justice system for prosecution. For this purpose, “juveniles” include anyone under the age of 18 at the time of the offense. Some juveniles are transferred to the adult criminal justice system if they are charged… Read More »
Marijuana Laws in Virginia
Marijuana laws are changing quickly throughout the country. It is important to stay up to date on the laws in your area so you know how to avoid legal trouble. Marijuana is illegal for the most part in Virginia, but as you will see, the laws are much more complicated than that. The laws… Read More »