Tag Archives: Leesburg Drug Crimes Defense Attorney

Largest Seizure of Fentanyl in Virginia State Police History
A 25-year-old woman from Vinton, Virginia, faces criminal charges for drug trafficking, after Virginia State Police found approximately 2,000 grams of fentanyl in her car, as reported by The Roanoke Times. Fentanyl is an illegal drug that has led to countless overdoses and deaths in Virginia, killing approximately 620 people in the past year…. Read More »

House Bill 2051 Changes Penalty for Marijuana Possession
With marijuana laws seemingly changing every day, it is important to stay informed. After all, the potential of legal trouble is a risky prospect. But it can be a challenge to keep up sometimes. If you have questions about marijuana laws in Virginia, we recommend contacting a criminal defense attorney. A number of new… Read More »

Decriminalization of Marijuana in Virginia
The decriminalization of marijuana will have to wait, as two recent bills posed to a Senate committee were not approved. The bills, which would end criminal misdemeanor charges for very small amounts of marijuana possession and impose a small civil penalty instead, were turned down, according to the Richmond Times Dispatch. The reasoning behind… Read More »

Possession Vs. Possession with Intent to Sell
The criminal penalties associated with an attempt to sell or distribute a drug can be confusing, as you may be charged with possession with intent to sell even if you honestly had no intention to sell any of the substance. The following is an explanation of Virginia’s classification of various controlled substances as well… Read More »

Marijuana Arrests Down in Virginia
Marijuana arrests have been decreasing in Virginia over the last couple of years and commentators speculate it may be because the police are loosening up the enforcement of those laws. This news also comes just a few months after the Virginia Senate Majority Leader said that he was open to loosening marijuana laws and… Read More »
Marijuana Laws in Virginia
Marijuana laws are changing quickly throughout the country. It is important to stay up to date on the laws in your area so you know how to avoid legal trouble. Marijuana is illegal for the most part in Virginia, but as you will see, the laws are much more complicated than that. The laws… Read More »
4 Deadly New Street Drugs that are Gaining Popularity Nationwide
In 1960, there were only a small handful of widely used street drugs. Marijuana, cocaine, psychedelic mushrooms, and LSD were the most reported. However, fast-forward just 56 years and the landscape of illicit drugs becomes far more diverse. Here are just six of the most recent additions to the ever-changing street drug market. Spice/K-2… Read More »
Constructive Possession of Marijuana in Virginia
Recently a wide number of states have legalized the possession of marijuana. However it is still illegal to possess any amount of marijuana in Virginia. The possession of marijuana in small quantities is a misdemeanor. An individual may also be charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana. Half an ounce to 5 lbs…. Read More »