Tag Archives: marijuana possession

Domestic Disturbance Leads to Seizure of 14 Pounds of Marijuana
Responding to reports of a domestic disturbance, Williamsburg police discovered approximately 14 pounds of marijuana, according to an article by WTKR. As a result of this discovery, a man and woman were charged with drug crimes. When police arrived at the house in question, they questioned the man and requested proof of identity. The… Read More »

House Bill 2051 Changes Penalty for Marijuana Possession
With marijuana laws seemingly changing every day, it is important to stay informed. After all, the potential of legal trouble is a risky prospect. But it can be a challenge to keep up sometimes. If you have questions about marijuana laws in Virginia, we recommend contacting a criminal defense attorney. A number of new… Read More »
Marijuana Laws in Virginia
Marijuana laws are changing quickly throughout the country. It is important to stay up to date on the laws in your area so you know how to avoid legal trouble. Marijuana is illegal for the most part in Virginia, but as you will see, the laws are much more complicated than that. The laws… Read More »
Marijuana Still Illegal in Virginia Despite Legalization in Border States
With many states passing marijuana legalization or decriminalization statutes, travelers are becoming necessarily concerned about what will happen when they make trips to other states. Will my prescription be valid on vacation? Will I be arrested if caught with my marijuana while just passing through another state between two states that allow it? What… Read More »
Consequences of Marijuana Possession in Virginia
Simple marijuana possession is a misdemeanor offense in Virginia which could result in probation, fines, license suspension, and even jail time.