Tag Archives: Reckless Driving Charges Leesburg

Does Racing Qualify as Reckless Driving in Virginia?
In Hollywood movies and TV shows, there are countless depictions of automotive races. Heroes and villains chase each other through crowded city streets in a dangerous display of reckless driving. What pop culture does not always demonstrate, however, is the massive risk that comes with racing automobiles. From property damage to physical injury or… Read More »

Virginia Man Charged with Reckless Driving After Fatal Accident
A Virginia man faces criminal charges for reckless driving and failure to maintain control after causing a fatal crash in Hanover County, reported WTVR. The car accident in question occurred on Interstate 295 near the Meadowbridge Road exit in Mechanicsville. At approximately 12:40 a.m. on Monday, May 14, 2018, the Virginia man was driving… Read More »