Tag Archives: Virginia Reckless Driving Attorney

4 Ways a Driver Can Face Reckless Driving Charges in Virginia
Reckless driving is a broad criminal offense in Virginia, prohibiting drivers from engaging in careless or dangerous behavior on state roads. Whenever a driver puts other people or property at risk of harm, it can qualify as reckless driving under Virginia law. Furthermore, Virginia features many specific rules and regulations concerning reckless driving, including… Read More »

5 Variations of Reckless Driving under Virginia Law
In order to maximize safety on state roads and highways, Virginia law makes it unlawful to engage in careless or reckless driving. Virginia’s overarching definition of reckless driving includes any driving conduct that could result in harm to a person or damage to property. In addition to the general definition, Virginia law also addresses… Read More »

Truck Driver Convicted of Reckless Driving and Involuntary Manslaughter in Virginia
After killing two people in a fatal accident, a truck driver was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and reckless driving in Virginia, reported NBC4. The truck driver received an 11-year sentence for his actions, including a suspended sentence of seven years. The accident in question occurred on November 2nd in Fredericksburg, Virginia. On that date,… Read More »

Can a Virginia Reckless Driving Charge Put Me in Jail?
The short answer is yes. There are several different circumstances where a reckless driving charge can land you in jail. Reckless driving is a criminal charge in Virginia and can result in serious penalties. If you are charged with reckless driving in Virginia, you should contact a skilled reckless driving attorney as soon as… Read More »
Reckless Driving Signs Installed on Virginia Highways
Virginia’s reckless driving laws are unique, especially the laws regarding speeding. While many Virginians may be aware of these laws already, those travelling through Virginia from other states may not be. Now, the Virginia Department of Transportation has installed some signs on Interstate 81 and Interstate 95 warning drivers about Virginia’s reckless driving laws… Read More »