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Winchester Weapon Crimes Attorney

If you are being charged with a weapon offense, you likely have a lot of questions regarding the severity of the alleged crime, what you face in terms of fines, the jeopardy of your career, and even the possibility of time spent behind bars. Our attorneys are up to date on all weapons laws and are adept in providing our clients with the most comprehensive legal service available. For example, New gun laws passed by the Virginia General Assembly in February took effect on July 1, 2016.  These new laws impact handgun permits and background checks. When changes like these are made in the regulations, it is common to see individuals being charged with weapons offenses due to misunderstanding the state and federal laws. The Winchester weapon crime attorneys at Simms Shower, LLP, are experienced in both prosecuting and defending weapons offenses within both Virginia and federal courts. Having argued both sides of the issue gives us an advantage over the prosecution. Caleb Kershner and the weapons offense attorneys at our office are prepared to help you if you’ve been arrested for a gun crime or weapons charge in Winchester, Virginia.

Illegal Weapons in Virginia

There are some weapons which, according to Virginia code, are completely outlawed within the state. These include blackjacks, brass or metal knucks, any disc with points or blades that is meant to be thrown, switchblade knifes, and ballistic knifes. Possessing, selling, bartering, and gifting these weapons is a Class 4 misdemeanor. Having legal counsel if you are charged with possessing an illegal weapon can potentially help you avoid fines and the negative impacts you’ll experience within your community if convicted.

Virginia Gun Laws vs. Federal Gun Laws

When purchasing, in possession of, or selling a gun you need to be aware of both state and federal laws. While they do not contradict each other, there are instances where one has more stringent penalties. The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has a fact sheet showing how Virginia and federal gun laws compare. Virginia is stricter when it comes to prohibited buyers and preventing domestic abusers from purchasing a gun. There are no waiting periods required by state or federal laws, but beware that other states may still require a waiting period. Similarly, neither require licensing of gun owners. Federal laws on assault weapons, possession or sale of large capacity ammunition magazines, and reporting stolen firearms exceed those of Virginia. Even if you feel well-versed in the state law, it is important to also know where federal laws may apply.

Help is Available if You’ve Been Charged With a Weapons Offense

If a weapons offense is paired with another crime such as assault, robbery, trespassing, drug trafficking, then the sentence handed down can be even more severe. It is critical to receive legal assistance early in the process and work with an attorney who understands the complex laws regarding guns and other weapons. No matter the severity, if you have been charged with a weapons violation, contact the experienced Winchester weapon crimes attorneys of Simms Showers, LLP today for immediate help in the matter.

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